How to survive a rainy weekend with kids?
Here is our top five:
1. Books, games, painting kits, colouring, markers and more: check out our selection for babies & for kids.
2. Bedding, to snooze al day long: we have a beautiful assortiment of bedding for babies, kids & even adults.
3. Homewear: timeless wear, soft tones and materials. What's not to like?
4. Rain attire, a must have for the brave ones: we got you covered with two top brands, Gosoaky and Rainkiss. An do top it all off, add a cute little umbrella!
5. Bath time, the perfect activity to end the day. We've got you covered with some fun bath toys, the best skincare products and the softest towels for babies and kids. And off course, also a lovely assortiment for adults!
Hope it comes in handy!
Lovely greetings,
Anne & Charlotte